
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Seuss on the Loose!

In honor of Read Across America Day (celebrated tomorrow on Dr. Seuss's birthday) we have been doing Dr. Seuss activities all week long - intermingled with our Core Knowledge study of Ancient Egypt (pictures to come) and it has been SO much fun!  Yesterday we read the Cat and the Hat chorally and today we did a couple of related activities.  One of them included this adorable Thing 1 and Thing 2 writing piece and art project.  Thanks to!
Our school is having a read-a-thon for the first 30 minutes of school tomorrow, so I asked parents to send any Dr. Seuss books they might have so I could read them to the kids throughout the week, and so the kids can read them tomorrow.  I was not expecting this box full of books, but was thrilled to accept it!
 Who knew there were so many Dr. Seuss books to choose from!?  It inspired the idea below.  With 32 books, there were plenty for my 26 students to do a Dr. Seuss book report in class, so I created this.  If you want to download it for free click here
Hope you have a SeUsSTasTiC week & weekend!


  1. Very cute Em! I'm going to have to show the kids when they're awake.

  2. الحشرات هي كائنات حية تسكن المنازل وجميع المنشئات وتكثر بفصل الصيف وعند ارتفاع درجات
    الحرارة ويوجد منها انواع عديدة منها الصراصير والنمل والخنافس والسمك الفضي وغيرها من الحشرات
    كما يوجد انواع مختلفة اخري في الحدائق المنزلية مثلحشرة العث و القوارض والخنافس وغيرها من
    الحشرات و للحشرات العديد من الاضرار والمخاطر التي تصيب الانسان والمنشئة , ولذلك
    يسعي جميع الافراد من اجل التخلص من الحشرات بشتي الطرق
    شركة مكافحة حشرات ببريدة
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بحائل
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالقصيم
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء


“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.” Dr. Seuss

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