We survived!!! Last week was our second week back to school and it was (phew!) slightly less exhausting than the first! Is anybody else counting the days until their little kiddos are used to listening!? Man, I sure am. However, that being said, they did really well on our Continents & Oceans world map crafts. They turned out SUPER cute too.
First we labeled the oceans. (We did the continents the day before).
For the water we dyed corn syrup blue. It is a sticky mess, but a neat one when it dries. It looks glossy and wet and it's transparent, making it the perfect medium to represent water!
For the land we made made a mixture of one part glue and one part shaving cream, plus a little green food coloring. I've also used colored paint when I didn't have dye on hand. It dries soft and puffy to the touch and the kids LOVE it! My kiddos were SO excited to take them home. Only six kids of my 26 (I know!! 26-6 year olds, crazy, right!? Does anyone else have that many first graders?) let me hang them up on our bulletin board.
We had a LOT of fun with our Spatial Sense/Geography unit in the first two weeks of school. It's always a fun one. I created a whole bunch of resources to go along with it. We teach the Core Knowledge Sequence by E.D. Hirsch, but this unit could be used in the primary grades at any school. Click the image if you're interested in downloading on TPT! 

Or you can get it on Teachers Notebook here.
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